Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

HER FIRST VALENTINE'S DAY...I've got plenty of pics to post from Saturday AKA Valentine's Day with Super Mom Shah and her baby J. Baby Girl had a fantastic day hanging out at the Winter Park Farmer's Market. She saw trains, lots of people, played in the park, wore J.'s hat and drank from his sippy cup. We shopped along Park Ave. Super Shah and I both bought new dresses which is a miracle in itself to find two dresses on sale and in both our sizes. J. and Baby Girl fell asleep for awhile which was nice. We ended up walking around quite a bit and then headed out after the boys were done golfing. The afternoon was low key which was good after a very busy morning.

Got a special delivery of roses which was completely unexpected. The card was signed from Mr. Wonderful which was so incredibly thoughtful since the day fell on the weekend and I really didn't expect flowers. Usually, they arrive at my office.

That evening, Mr. Wonderful and I headed to dinner with S. and her hubs. This was our 8th Valentine's Day together which prompted a fun game of trying to remember what we did the first, second, third...

A big hug and five pairs of shoes that fit just right to my friend who provided much needed childcare for the evening. Baby Girl went to bed early so having someone willing to come over and hang out while we enjoyed an adult night out was so awesome.

Here's to love and my love, Mr. Wonderful, Baby Girl and good friends to celebrate it with!

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