Saturday, September 15, 2007

geri's kids

no photos from last night and today which is fine but this is the third annual event i've gone to and i have zero pics.

enjoyed a leadership conference that was full of good networking and an opportunity to speak about what i've experienced as past membership chair and other roles as a board member. the main thing at the conference was all about connecting the dots. very important in anything you do!

in addition to connecting the dots, i loved the way everyone can relate even though we're not from the same areas or situations. we all have the same provide value for each person.

last night, amy lyn and i went over to geri's to help set up for the dinner. immediately, i found myself getting jealous of all the decor and completed projects they've done to their home. we have such a long way to go...the dinner went incredibly well and everyone enjoyed the time together. i'm looking forward to next year as geri has agreed to contine to host the shindig..perfect! (has nothing to do with how close geri lives to where i live and that amy lyn and i could've walked there if we had wanted to.) they (geri and lee) are awesome!

i am so glad that i've had the chance to meet so many great people in the last three years of QS and hope to continue being a part of it all. from being an intrigued spectator to having the chance to present, it was a great way to solidify the growth that has taken place in such a short time. i'm thankful for it all and for staying involved and passionate about something that has naturally taken me to the next step again and again.

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