-- you will in large part be the friends that you choose. their attributes become your attributes.
if that's true, we should be specific about how we decide who to call a friend.
-- there are friends that drain you, and others that sustain you. you have the choice of who to invest in...you choose who surround you.
-- tyrants are people who are tied to a rant. they want their own way and they are quick to get mad if you don't let them. (we all know that person who rants because they just can't be happy and if they don't have something to rant about, they start ranting for you about things you're okay with.)
-- every day we walk in the fire...God is there with us just like he was with Daniel and his friends.
-- back to tyrant...like Nebucbuchadnezzar, tyrants try to get you to bow down because they're right and you're wrong. they are intimidators and manipulators rather than motivators or inspirational. they get mad when you don't agree. (yep, they sure do.)
-- when you are confident in the truth, you don't have to get upset or mad or begin to yell...if you know the truth, you stand on it. the truth is, tyrants are scared. they just want to appear bigger than you. they try and exaggerate the circumstances. they try and make it seem like you are ruining everything for them because they don't want to take responsibility. (TRUE!!)
-- don't invest time and attention into the life of a tyrant. (i've learned my lesson.)
Instead surround yourself with SUPPORTERS:
-- be drawn to those who are committed to loving God and loving you...they inspire you. they want make you want to live a life of Christ.
-- God doesn't save us FROM the fire. He saves us while we are IN the fire. We are in the fire every day. He has plans for you in the fire...
thanks mrs. tag for the adventure today and for understanding the value of a friendship full of support.
and i want to send some love to my be frie ~ THANKS FOR ALWAYS MEETING ME WHERE I AM.
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