Saturday, June 30, 2007
The House is Warm! Thanks all! :-)
One quick thing...Missed you Fi! Laura and Nate specifically asked about you. Next time!
Oh and Heidi...I am so glad you were there to save the day!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
HAGGIS wins again!
Happy Birthday Charley! Mr. Hollywood!!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
walking miles and organizing closets
in addition to watching our little four legged friend, we also did a lot of things around the house. it was good to just clean and catch up on some things. there's still things to do here and there. we are making progress. i organized two closets that were in desperate need of assistance. they now look wonderful as well as the pantry and our master bedroom closet. for the longest time, i wasn't sure what was in there. now i do. everytime i organize, i think of the creative organizing blog. good stuff!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
the third Zabi is here!

Monday, June 18, 2007
Happiness to Michelle!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!
to Rock Star dad - his little girl giving gifts to DAD at Father's Day breakfast
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Back from Chicago!
Had a hard time leaving the "windy" city today. More to come...but in quick style, I was on official business but had a chance to fun it up here and there:
-- boat tour
-- bus tour
-- museums galore
-- great weather
-- wonderful walking and biking trails
-- big john (hancock observatory)
-- milennia park
-- WICKED -- defying gravity (thank you kathy!)
-- Frontera (SO AWESOME) Grill
-- Lou Mitchell's (thanks again kathy!!)
-- Showkat (Hyatt Bell Hop)
-- The People of Chicago!
-- Glenn the cab driver
-- Gino's East (WOW!)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
sometimes all you can ask is why
not sure whether to send along my condolences...i just did that less than two weeks ago. for now, i pray that he and his family allow themselves time to grieve and soon find a sense of peace in this tragic loss.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Shoving off Seven Years of Sopranos
-- what was with the cat? especially when it was staring at chris' picture?
-- did sil live? (i just realized i've never posted before about this show so i really don't know how to spell one person's first name.)
-- what was with paully? there was speculation that he flipped but in the end, he just seemed scared of death and strange about things with "T" and with everyone else?
-- the fed guy who tony met up with in the beginning...why was he so excited to hear when phil got popped?
-- who were those twin babies and that woman that phil was with?
-- did anyone else feel nervous for tony when he was on the balcony with janice?
-- was AJ's psychiatrist aware of tony's condition? she seemed to have a look on her face that said she knew what he was all about.
-- for a second while tony was in the backyard, did anyone think that maybe the ducks would make a comeback?
moving forward, i will enjoy picking back up with the new shows and some of the old shows that seem somewhat interesting. this was a good one though. one i'm gonna miss. so, thanks for the journey. oh yes, the band JOURNEY...Of all songs, they ended it all with "Don't Stop Believing."
here comes the confusion again.
thanks to super boss woman at the house, i just got turned on to this article featured in The New Yorker on June 4.
here's a snippet at the end of the article: The end is a mystery, but we know one thing: “The Sopranos” defied Aristotelian conventions. It is a comedy that ends with a litany of the dead and missing. Whaddya gonna do?
another great post about the sopranos. thanks heidi!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
rainforest baby shower
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
on a mixed vacation
that evening, i headed to atlanta to visit with be frie and the new baby. the drive was quick (thankfully) and when i arrived she was asleep. the nursing schedule will do that to ya (so i hear). her little boy is absolutely beautiful and i am so happy that she's turned into super mom. he's a mere five weeks old and she really is amazing with him.
on memorial day and after volunteering to change diapers, we headed to her parents house for a cookout. it was great to see them, ,as always. enjoyed visiting with matt, danielle, ella, laura, bernie and everyone! be frie's baby is so special. he cried as i held him in her parent's living room watching the syndicated version of the Soprano's. i would cry too. it was the episode where dr. melfi gets attacked and then has the decision to tell tony so he can take care of business or not tell him and just deal with it all internally.
this is where i will eventually write at length about seeing daniel, and having my own little sushi feast. it was completely out of hand.
i headed back to florida on wednesday morning. it was great to get away but i knew the to do list was piling up.
thursday was my official garage clean up day...totally not something i wanted to do but i had to do since mr. wonderful has been so focused on the pool as of late. i got a ton accomplished and i know the happy go lucky trash men were so happy to pick up my curb that afternoon.
friday was, i repeat, WAS going to be my day of R&R (relaxing and reading) but the weather was awful that it changed my plans into what became a day of mixed activities. a little cleaning, a little reading, catching up on show's on the dvr. that night, i picked mr. wonderful up (yea baby) and we headed to st. augustine for a friend's art show and then to dinner with his dad at the Columbia (so good).
then, there's the weekend which i will try to sum up in bullet point fashion:
- laura's 93rd birthday party
- jeremy and mandy's babypalooza shower
- j & g over for XBOX fun while i sat outside in the sun
- skipping sunday soccer