Sunday, June 03, 2007

on a mixed vacation

i started my first week long vacation of this year at home with mr. wonderful. we did a few things at home and then headed to jax. in jax, we got to see his family and some of trish's friends. its been one year since she passed. there was a special service at the church and a group visit to the cemetery. millie (trish's best friend) and i spent time together. she shared how she still gets angry that she's not home when she comes over. i can't help but agree at times with a strangeness that falls over me when i'm at their house and she is no longer there. so, even though i was dreading the event and the ceremony and all of the hoopla that brings emotions to the forefront that you're really trying to let go of...i'm glad i was there. i'm glad i was a part of something that remembers her the way i like to remember her.

that evening, i headed to atlanta to visit with be frie and the new baby. the drive was quick (thankfully) and when i arrived she was asleep. the nursing schedule will do that to ya (so i hear). her little boy is absolutely beautiful and i am so happy that she's turned into super mom. he's a mere five weeks old and she really is amazing with him.

on memorial day and after volunteering to change diapers, we headed to her parents house for a cookout. it was great to see them, ,as always. enjoyed visiting with matt, danielle, ella, laura, bernie and everyone! be frie's baby is so special. he cried as i held him in her parent's living room watching the syndicated version of the Soprano's. i would cry too. it was the episode where dr. melfi gets attacked and then has the decision to tell tony so he can take care of business or not tell him and just deal with it all internally.

this is where i will eventually write at length about seeing daniel, and having my own little sushi feast. it was completely out of hand.

i headed back to florida on wednesday morning. it was great to get away but i knew the to do list was piling up.
thursday was my official garage clean up day...totally not something i wanted to do but i had to do since mr. wonderful has been so focused on the pool as of late. i got a ton accomplished and i know the happy go lucky trash men were so happy to pick up my curb that afternoon.

friday was, i repeat, WAS going to be my day of R&R (relaxing and reading) but the weather was awful that it changed my plans into what became a day of mixed activities. a little cleaning, a little reading, catching up on show's on the dvr. that night, i picked mr. wonderful up (yea baby) and we headed to st. augustine for a friend's art show and then to dinner with his dad at the Columbia (so good).

then, there's the weekend which i will try to sum up in bullet point fashion:

  • laura's 93rd birthday party

  • jeremy and mandy's babypalooza shower

  • j & g over for XBOX fun while i sat outside in the sun

  • skipping sunday soccer
a great vacation overall. next one is in july!

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