Check out the team to the right...JOSIE - amazing woman and new mommy, Tania- Josie's cousin, Arlene - nurse and coach, Theo - dad and assistant coach. (not pictured - Ted - concerned Uncle)
It's a BIG boy!
Early this morning (2:19 a.m.) my nephew was born -- Thedore Gene Hagen, Jr.
Early this morning (2:19 a.m.) my nephew was born -- Thedore Gene Hagen, Jr.
About 20 minutes later, Theo brought him out to the waiting room for Tania, Ted and I to see. He is so beautiful.
Josie and Theo are now a mom and a dad. They are calling little Theo "TJ" for Theo, Jr. I said they called him that for Theo and Josie.
We had the "punniest" philipino nurse, Arlene. She had the accent and everything so I could not stop making jokes with Theo.
What an amazing process! One that is nothing short of a miracle. I have heard many talk about it before but nothing compares to being there and seeing it all take place.
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