10 Minutes/10 Questions
Name: Lorelie J.
Occupation: Community Relations Director, The Salvation Army of Orange and Osceola Counties
PRSA Involvement: President-Elect 2006, Vice President of Programs 2005, Vice President of Membership Retention 2003-2004
Person who has most influenced your life: I have been amazed, inspired and influenced by many people along the way. One person who comes to mind is Cindy Andrews, a teacher at Colonial High School, who helped me and continues to help other students realize what's possible through involvement, hard work and creativity.
Quote to live by: People who deal with life generously and large-heartedly go on multiplying relationships to the end. -- A.C. Benson
What made you choose PR as a profession: For me, the choice happened very naturally. When I learned I could use my relationship building, organization and writing skills to help an organization achieve its goals, I knew it was what I wanted to do.
Best PR advice you ever received: Dr. Caroline Dow at Flagler College once said to her Ethics and Law class, "Always be prepared to make the best, instead of the worst, of whatever happens." I keep that in mind for every situation I'm in, whether it's professional or personal.
Greatest accomplishment: Without a doubt, The Salvation Army Angel Tree Campaign, which provides new clothing and toys for thousands of children throughout Central Florida, brings me extraordinary pleasure. I oversee the entire program from start to finish with the help of family, friends and volunteers. It is an amazing feeling to know that all of the work that goes into organizing the Angel Tree is directly helping so many families in need.
Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Go outside and play, whether it's around the neighborhood or at the beach. I enjoy taking time to breathe some fresh air and read a book.
Something nobody really knows about you: I spent a summer in Moldova, which is located between Ukraine and Romania, on a mission trip. I learned how to speak and write conversational Russian. Unfortunately, I have forgotten much of what I learned, but I enjoyed being immersed in a different culture and language.
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