Friday, November 07, 2014

Happy Blogiversary...Number NINE!

It seems kind of crazy that it has been 9...NINE years since I first started blogging here at Dragonfly.

I have loved having this space to express and share and connect. Looking back, it wasn't clear what I would really be doing here. Just wanted to have my own blog because it reminded me of my passion of journaling. Since then, I've been able to record my days and moments...The big, the small, the good, the not so good. Mostly, I've been able to capture the celebrations of life and the people who fill my heart...many of them live here next to the words I pieced together on that day over the last nine years, and they even make repeat appearances.

For this space, I am grateful.

For those who stop by every so often, I thank you.

For every word, and every post in the near future, I appreciate you and do not take anything for granted.

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