Thursday, September 13, 2012

Falling in Love with Family Dinner

The other day my fabulous cousin and I were trying to figure out what she could give her sister-in-law for her birthday. (That's one of the reasons my cousin is so fabulous because she is ever so thoughtful and committed to finding the perfect gift for those she loves.) She was perusing the shelves of the bookstore in the cookbook section (reason #2 she's fab) and found Dinner: A Love Story by Jenny Rosenstrach.

Fabulous cousin and I in OBX at the local grocery store
we pretty much lived in during our OBX vacation. 
So I must confess...I own a lot of cookbooks. (I'm obsessed with books in general so it's no surprise.) What's interesting about cookbooks is that in no way do I like/love or remotely enjoy cooking food, especially if there's a complicated recipe with more than five ingredients. I just like the idea of it all, looking through books with amazing pictures and  ultimately, eating the food that maybe someone else in my family (Mr. Wonderful) will make me. There are quite a few pages that have been bent back or one of those tiny post it notes are stuck on just in case someone (hint, hint) gets ambitious.

But one night...Something changed.

I decided to take a recipe out of the DALS playbook and make it happen. My recipe of choice - Jenny's Oven "Fried" Chicken. I carefully wrote my grocery list and shopped carefully for the ingredients. The biggest challenge was finding the cornflake crumbs so I did what I do and improvised accordingly with regular cornflakes. How hard could it be to make cornflake crumbs? Smush some flakes and voila! Crumbs. Right?

The recipe required eight items and I really only had to buy three of them. (Marry me, Jenny. Seriously.) The mixing the ingredients wasn't too bad and the cornflake crumbs were probably not as crummy as they were supposed to be but as a result, some delicious, flavorful and good lookin' and (fingers crossed) finger lickin' chicken was coming out of my oven...because of me and my new BFF Jenny.

Two thumbs up from the family and a possible rivalry to Mrs. Publix fried chicken. Always good to find a healthier option to something that I know my family loves to eat every once in awhile. Overall, I thank my lucky stars and you should too that DALS is out there to save any family dinner from becoming bland or boring. 

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