Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Top Five Values

Last year, I was handed a deck of cards with different words on it. The words would represent my main values. The task was to narrow the cards down to my top five values. Initially, I was confident that I knew my what they would be...Piece of cake. As I started to shuffling through my cards and noticed that there were words that had meaning to me but in the process of elimination, I couldn't keep them. Only five. Just five? Ugh. Ok. I can do this. So after shuffling through the cards again and trying my hardest to not over-think this exercise, it was complete. Alas, my top values are:

Love - By His love I have life and I'm surrounded by love through family and friends. For all the love I've been given, I'm grateful. 

Responsibility - With great power, comes great responsibility. When you're given a gift, no matter what it is, be responsible with how you share that with the world and when you mess up, be responsible. 

Wisdom - When you have wisdom, you have the ability to make the best choices and to know it is the best. 

Friendship - Almost all (minus one) of my friends I am in touch today...Whether I met them at four years old or 30 something, I have a way to keep in touch with them.

Integrity - It's the little voice that has guided me time and time again away from doing something or saying something that was outside of who I am and want to be. 

What are your top five values? 

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