Monday, March 21, 2011

Road Trip to Hollywood (Florida)!

The Hollywood portion of our trip was not originally planned. Of course, based on my prior post the reason we were down there was to hold that sweet little baby girl Estella for as long as her sleeping schedule would allow. Because Mr. Wonderful and I used to frequent the Hollywood area back in the dating days, we called our friends who lived, worked and recently sold their house there to say we were thinking of them. As it turns out, they were in Hollywood at the Hard Rock. Yup...The HARD ROCK. To make a short story short...We ended up visiting our friends poolside and got to see why we could never actually hotel at a Hard Rock with the kids while we walked through the lobby/casino of cigarette smoke. Got over it (sort of) once we saw the pool. The visit was short but extra sweet. Baby girl had her first Strawberry Daquiri (virgin, to clarify for you judgers). We swam and laughed all the way until she fell asleep in a pool chair. What a great way to kick off our 3 hour drive back home. The trip was a pleasant surprise to us. It felt like vacation which I have to admit, I haven't been able to really, really take in what seems like forever. So here's to Hollywood and surprise vacations!

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