As expected, the weather was extremely hot but we went for it. The park was packed and we were hoping to get together with my brother's family but right after we watched the Shamu Show (fabulous!), we headed to the Shark Encounter to make our reservation at Underwater Grill and the sky broke open. Rain, rain and more rain came down and thankfully, we were under cover and our table was available about 10 minutes later. Lunch was wonderful even with a screaming toddler who, thank the Lord, fell asleep about an hour into it. (Mommy Break!) There were a lot of people doing the deep dive experience that day so every time I looked over to enjoy the sharks and other fish swimming around, I noticed that there was a cage of two people staring at us. Kept thinking...Can they see me? Can they talk to each other?
After lunch, we walked around and saw some seals as well as the horses. Happy Harbor was hopping so we changed the baby girl and let her run loose in the splash park. I have posted the picture at the top since it's one of my favorites ever!
So glad we got to spend the day with Aunt Tori. Baby girl was so good all day long and had a great time. We'll be back, Shamu!
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