Thursday, July 06, 2006

local cup filled with adventure and honesty

Prepare to be shocked! Voodoo did it again...We WON!!! 2 weeks in a row people. Woohoo! There were a ton of shots on our goal. It's true BUT when it all came down to it, they never scored on us. I got the ball and it was as if time slowed down. I saw John down at the goal. He kept hanging there to avoid running excessively. Only the Voodoo can get away with this kind of slack playing. Instead of passing it off, I took the shot but I kept it on the ground. All John had to do was tap it in to the little goal and BOOM! 1 goal for us at the last two minutes of the game. When the whistle blew, we added another win to our record! Everyone was so excited. I think I was still trying to figure out what happened. Needless to say, we are on a roll!

Today, I am hanging out with the cable guy and learning the "cables" (ropes) of the biz. There is an all new appreciation for what these guys do all day. In addition, I have named myself "Cable Girl" and will be making a costume soon. There will be photos upon its completion. The Adventures of Cable Girl!

Tonight at the Jill, I saw a million things that I want to add to my collection. Fall fashion is out and looking mighty cute!

To close, what an amazing freedom you discover when you choose to be honest. No pretending. No blaming others. No over analyzing or thinking. No judging. Just YES for being honest. In that choice, you find what carries you further than you could ever imagine. (sigh) It's awesome.

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