last night was ID night. tony hooked us up with dessert sushi. their regular sushi is great too and now, they are on to the fruit thing. we got mango and banana sushi. it was amazing and very light. it's the perfect alternative to doing dessert low fat and healthy. it's not on the menu so we were happy to be taste testers. love the dynasty!!!
stopped by the gym yesterday. too late for step class. ended up doing 30 mins. on the treadmill. you get to see everyone that way. i wanted to stay in the steamroom forever. it's good to be back since the knee and the not walking well for several weeks.
leaving the office today at 1 p.m. what a nice surprise! everyone is in such a good mood today...that must be why.
dinner tonight with theo and cathy. we've got mucho money/gift certificate at stonewood tavern grill to burn so it should be fun!
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