Saturday, April 11, 2015

APRIL LOVE: An Inspiring Person

Day 11: I am inspired by a lot of people on a daily basis. Some I know, some I don't. It would be tough to pick just one since many provide bits and pieces of inspiration for me that make up a whole. So I choose to be inspired by my surroundings that include lots of people who are doing the best they can every day. They are following their dreams. Reaching their goals. Looking for happiness. Finding happiness. Believing in others. Believing in themselves. Realizing they can do it. Understanding and working through pain. Healing. Knowing nothing. Knowing everything. Being honest. Showing up. 

That's who inspires me...All of you who move in the world in your own way and contribute in your own style. As a result, you make big and small differences every day for me and for everyone around you.

Inspired by you,

Friday, April 10, 2015

APRIL LOVE: My Superpower

Mr. Wonderful's cat, Bib and Baby Girl back in the day
Day 10: Some of you may know or not know that I'm a cat juggler. It's my superpower. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't use this power for good for others. It's a blessing and a curse like most superpowers. I juggle a pretty active schedule (by choice) where I get to work hard, connect with friends, do Yoga (when I'm super lucky) and spend time with my family including two dogs which doesn't always bode well for cat juggling. You see, since I was a little girl, this has been my talent...Taking on three tasks at any given moment...Doing more than I probably should be. I remember thinking that all would change once I graduated college where I proceeded with a 20-plus credit hour schedule, two jobs, volunteering for community theater and whatever else I could find to keep me juggling. But nothing really changed...I just got better at this power. It translated well into my career and my relationships and when I got married and when I became a mother. It's as if this superpower would always be a necessary since life moves forward with so many opportunities to live it -- with or without you. I thrive on juggling but as I've grown up and become just a tad bit wiser, I realize that juggling is not how I need to show up for everything. Focusing on one person, one moment or one task at a time can bring so much more to the table than trying to do it all at once. And that is my close second when it comes to superpowers - reflecting. It's through my reflections, I totally get that it's OK to be "Juggling Lorelie" or "One-Thing-At-A-Time Lorelie." At the end of the day, it's still me and being yourself is a superpower that we should all strive to master.

Able to juggle and able to not,

Thursday, April 09, 2015

April LOVE: 5 Years Ago

Day 9 - Five years ago, I was standing in the Metropolitan Museum of Art staring at this painting by Henri Matisse (oil on canvas) called "The Goldfish Bowl" that was created in 1921-1922. I do not own goldfish but I do love looking at them and the color and design they bring to art. This was painted in Matisse's apartment in the afternoon in Nice. I can see myself there.

Love to all the pretty goldfish,

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

April LOVE: From Where I Stand

8. From Where I Stand

Source: Pics Champ
I see lots of possibility and space. Time continues but no matter the daily challenge, I know that this moment is as precious as the next one that will be granted to me. So even though I'm sitting at my desk today, not standing, there is an inner rejoicing that extends beyond what I know and strengthens my hope for what is and will be.


Tuesday, April 07, 2015

April LOVE: Susannah Conway Inspires Again!

Susannah Conway has called us together again to share some LOVE in April (#aprillove2015). Read the full post here.

Since I'm just jumping in now (April 7), I'll share what nourishes me...Laughter...Love letters...Yoga...Books...The sea...A great quote...Letters or cards from loved ones...Smiles...Colors...Flowers...Coffee (cream only)...A phone call with my best friend...Kindness shown when it's least expected...

As for the other days I missed...Here's a quick catch up:

1 - My morning view includes lots of trees and usually my dogs running through them in the backyard

2 - My favourite flowers are hydrangeas and peonies

3 - An Inspring Quote I came across recently was from Thomas Jefferson, "Friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine."

4 - Shadows: Love shadows of people in the sand by the sea.

5 - My favourite color is green...all shades. Green is such a soothing color and to me it represents growth and reminds me to go/keep moving forward because time does that with or without you.

6 - Touch: Hugs from my baby girl are among some of the sweetest touches I receive these days.

Stay nourished friends,

Friday, April 03, 2015

Celebrating Thomas!

Had a great time with Thomas and Ashelee as we celebrated Thomas' 25th birthday but in real years, he's actually like 55. We went to Dubsdread in Orlando. I think we were the youngest people there. It was a good time, great food and happy hour (Guinness-style) was on!

So happy to be friends with two of the most thoughtful and sweet people I know.

To many more years,

Spring Season with the VooDoo

The beloved VooDoo Posse (my rec soccer team) has started a new season for the Spring. So far, the team has played two games and won both. After almost a decade of being on this team, it's great to look back and see how we've all changed over the years and have some have not changed. We are known as the fun team and we are totally OK with that since at the end of the day, you should have a good time with whatever you do even in the spirit of competition.

Long live the VooDoo!