Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Celebrating Emily and Thinking of Bonnie

Bonnie with Baby Girl in 2008 at the home of Geri & Lee Evans. 
My dear friend and colleague Bonnie lost her mother recently. Today, I read her mom's obituary which she wrote herself right after she was diagnosed. It is one of the most beautiful, funny, sentimental and authentic tributes I've ever seen. Read Emily Phillips obituary here.

I want to extend my deepest sympathies to Bonnie and her family. My love, thoughts and prayers are with you.

A big thank you to your mom for bringing you into this world, and for such a precious reminder that you are born, you blink and then it's over. 

So sorry for your loss,

Monday, March 30, 2015

Celebrating Soluna

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Soluna! It's a special day since it's the day you were born. Even though we just got back from the Shire, I hope you continue celebrating and living life to the fullest the way you do.

Happiness is having a friend like you,

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Yoga & Brunch for my Birthday

Every year I try to do a little something different to celebrate another trip around the sun. Last year was DRIP which was quite unique. So for 2015, I decided to do something that would be invigorating and refreshing - YOGA & Brunch. Yes, happy birthday to me!

We all gathered at Sweetwater Yoga & Fitness on March 15th at 10 a.m. Nearly a dozen of the bravest souls of all varied experience levels showed up and did what was probably one of the most challenging warm yoga classes I've taken in awhile. After yoga, we headed to my place where Mr. Wonderful whipped up a beautiful brunch that included a new egg casserole recipe, asparagus, spanikopita, grilled parsley citrus turkey, pigs in a blanket, bacon, fruit and veggies. We also had cake from 4Rivers Sweet Shop! One double chocolate chip and the other green velvet (like a red velvet but all GREEN).

Thank you to Theo L., Rawesome, Lori, Laura, Katharine, Nicole, Brianna, Joelle, Catherine and Chaun for joining me for Birthday Yoga. 

A special THANKS to Shannon for an amazing class and to her super handstanding hubby for taking the above picture and for just being so darn supportive. 

And bigs hugs to my baby brother for showing up and helping Mr. Wonderful put on a good spread and for keeping every dish clean and probably washing a few of them twice or three times.

It was a great day full of love, warmth, friendship, laughter, fun, vinyasas and sugar!

To another year around the sun!

Breathing deeply,

Monday, March 16, 2015

Orlando City Soccer goes MLS

The VooDoo and friends at the first Orlando City Soccer Club's regular season game as a new team to the MLS

What a great day to be in Orlando. Beautiful weather. Great fans. And SOCCER!
