Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reason #376 There's a Fork in My Eye: Always a Critic, Never a Writer

image source: girlfromthehills

The problem with a lot of people talking about out there is that it's so much talk and less, or in some cases, NO writing. If you know how to do something better than everyone else, I respectfully request that you do it. Stop tearing down others, and participate!

Ahhhh...That feels better. Moving forward...

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

10 Reasons Why We Love Our Pool

1 - summer days are cooler
2 - endless fun from may through october
3 - it's pretty to look at all year
4 - it makes me happy
5 - after a day of canoeing, it's so refreshing
6 - mr. wonderful fixed the light...pretty at night
7 - the baby girl enjoys it
8 - it's the gift that keeps on giving to us and friends
9 - i love that i don't have to drive to's right there
10 - it's ours, it's all ours