May your greatest pleasure be that which rebounds from hearts that you have made glad.
Henry Ward Beecher
Caring Candice and DragonFLY at Shakers in College Park...To be seen on WKMG 6 at 5:45 p.m. So much fun and so much great food!
Ho ho ho...Merry Christmas everyone! In the midst of the holiday craze and loving every minute of it. What's up with shopping at the last minute. I'm pretty much finished unless I decide that I want to add to my Christmas list. If only there weren't so many birthdays during this time of the year. Making a mental note...Hahaha!
Started this post yesterday which was a totally in office day -- ate lunch at Chipotle with Hurley, Genius, Janiceeta and KG. We talked about the newlywed game and dating Simon Peter. So much fun, they are! Last night, Mrs. J. Brown came over and we had a beautiful conversation about life, relationships and how important it is to take responsibility. Love her so much!! My My and Mr. Wonderful were playing Zombie. It's a hot new game that includes wrapping My My in a huge quilt just like a mummy/zombie. I guess they played so well that he fell asleep on the chair watching Rudolph on the Disney channel. So cute!
Today started a bit late...could not get out of bed. I had a case of Ginger-vitus. Went to get coffee and a power bagel and stood in line with Orlando's finest police and firemen. Hello! I am awake!
Lunch with Caring Candice and Mr. Photog. at Shakers for the Eating Out There segment. The food was fabulous and we laughed so hard, I know we worked off our lunch. Even though he didn't like our idea of putting all of the salt and pepper shakers together like a gang for the tease, I know he loved our Marilyn Monroe impressions. Too crazy!!
So, the possibility of starting the show continues to ripen and I just know there's a way. God is opening some amazing doors for me and I am loving Him and all his blessings.